Man o man, but it's amazing how much scraping and painting almost two full sides of a house can really knock the stuffing out of you! Honestly. I'm more tired & sore now than I was after delivering a baby.
Much more so!
We made very good progress last Tuesday, and then amazing progress on Saturday. We made only so-so progress yesterday due to massive & stunning thunderstorms that rained sideways.
After 3 solid days of work:

You can unfortunately now all-too-clearly see how the paint that I carelessly slopped on the front porch screens two years ago really shows up like never before. That is all of the white bits around the dark brown trim on the porch. You can also see how the white railings inside the screened-in porch now glow in their stark-white-paintly way. Once everything is said and done we'll bit by bit pull off the dark brown porch trim, carefully pull out each staple holding the screening in place, and then paint the backside of the porch moldings and railings - and then when dry and topcoated properly put the screens back up and then nail the trim pieces back in place. That should help a lot. I'll also work on carefully scrubbing that old white latex paint off of the screen so that it looks tidier in general. We'll also paint dark brown the pieces of (currently white) lattice that we installed on either side of the screen door. The lattice was installed to put a stop to the catfights that would happen between our two housecats and the neighborhood outdoor cats.
I still have to finish up some last bits of trim work on the 2nd floor windows and soffit - but once that is done the front of the house will be finished. Then we can turn to the work still left to complete on the cemetery side of the house. (Ahem - so called because we live next to a cemetery - in case you were wondering................)

The bottom half is single-coated green. That is why it's so blazingly bright & streaky. The top half is not. The left half of the top is scraped but not primed. The right half of the top is scraped & primed.
I still have to finish up some last bits of trim work on the 2nd floor windows and soffit - but once that is done the front of the house will be finished. Then we can turn to the work still left to complete on the cemetery side of the house. (Ahem - so called because we live next to a cemetery - in case you were wondering................)

The bottom half is single-coated green. That is why it's so blazingly bright & streaky. The top half is not. The left half of the top is scraped but not primed. The right half of the top is scraped & primed.
The boys needed the good 26 foot extension ladder to reach the absolute tip-top of the house, so you can see how high I could & couldn't reach when I was priming the window and side trim using just the basic stepladder to climb up and down.....
....and you can also see where the huge thunder storm literally washed my 2nd topcoat down the side of the house taking away the nice deep green even-ness that I had created and putting back a neon green streaky mess in it's place......
In the midst of all of this I have still been knitting. I have cast on for a pair of screw-y socks for Peggers in some Gryphon Traveller yarn. She custom-dyed a new colourway just for him - it is called Wales and it is stunningly beautiful.
I have come up with an idea for my Belle shrug - a way to do the cuff that is slightly different than the Laura Chau pattern calls for. I'm excited about that, and hope to start it this afternoon when Kim and I sit down to knit in approximately............oh...........4 minutes.
I finished Peggers' vest and have only to seam it and knit up button bands or zipper bands for it.
I am frogging my Mystery Stole 3 and instead will eventually purchase a different stole pattern from Pink Lemon Twist and will knit that instead.
I also knitted the Cinchy Hat from the latest Knitscene - but alas have no pictures of any of these things.
Just pictures of a green house.
In the midst of all of this I have still been knitting. I have cast on for a pair of screw-y socks for Peggers in some Gryphon Traveller yarn. She custom-dyed a new colourway just for him - it is called Wales and it is stunningly beautiful.
I have come up with an idea for my Belle shrug - a way to do the cuff that is slightly different than the Laura Chau pattern calls for. I'm excited about that, and hope to start it this afternoon when Kim and I sit down to knit in approximately............oh...........4 minutes.
I finished Peggers' vest and have only to seam it and knit up button bands or zipper bands for it.
I am frogging my Mystery Stole 3 and instead will eventually purchase a different stole pattern from Pink Lemon Twist and will knit that instead.
I also knitted the Cinchy Hat from the latest Knitscene - but alas have no pictures of any of these things.
Just pictures of a green house.
I love the green house! I understand of course that there are lots of details still to sort out, but it's very exciting looking.
You've earned it!
Kudos on all the hard work; it's already looking way cool, and will be even better once you've finished all those things on your list.
Fortunately, you're still finding time to knit.
Not caring for MS3, eh?
I am also ready to throw in the towel with MS3. More likely than not I'll see it through though. As I sit and work on it, I can help but wonder what else I'd be working on if I didn't hop on the bandwagon on this one.
Congrats on the house, it looks awesome! At least you can look at the before and after pics and see what all your efforts have accomplished.
Wow! It's coming along so nicely! I love the color. And I'm surprised you've had time to knit at all. Amazing. :)
I couldn't decide what post to put this on: I love the green! It came out so cute - very daring of you!
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