They read our bill wrong last month - so this actually represents a month and a half worth of electricity. It also represents in my mind a small fortune. Or a lot of yarn. Depending on how you look at it.

The painting inspector, while quite impressed by our paint job on 2 sides of the house, told me that NO, actually, that wasn't good enough. So the painting and scraping continued on for another 3 weeks past his initial visit, and was (hopefully in his eyes) finished this past weekend in a marathon burst of extreme Hard Work and Extreme Heat. Not to mention a hydraulic lift that dangled me 30 feet in the air for hours on end.
Hello! I am Bactrim. I am an antibiotic. Quite useful if you have - for example - an extremely painful bladder infection caused by (probably) too much
stress & overexertion in extreme heat (see above comment).......
stress & overexertion in extreme heat (see above comment).......

I am Vigamox. I am antibiotic eyedrops. Used for those of you who have searingly painful corneal ulcers in their right eyeball. Remember now, don't wear your contacts! Wear those lovely coke-bottle-thick glasses of yours that give you a pressure headache on either side of your temple after only 20 or so minutes of wearing, and which so cut off your vision that you cannot drive with them and so have to put your contacts back in against the eye doctor's orders!
I am a dented car. This is what happens when an 18 year old with a sassy attitude and a total lack of respect for a stop sign and a blinking red light decides to exceed safe speed limits and crash right into the side of you. And then change her story and tell the police officer that she came to a full and complete stop at said stop sign and that in fact you (yes, you!) were the one who ran the red light. Luckily all evidence is quite clearly on the side of my version of things. But still. No fun.
Seriously, this has most definitely **not** been my month.
I think that this Slate Magazine guy has got the right idea and we should just skip August in entirety from now on out..........
Oh, sweetie, everybody has a month like that which usually launches me into the whole "that which does not kill you" speech, but I'll spare you that since you aren't 16. Sorry that the month is such a crap-fest for you, but on the bright side, tomorrow is September!
You actually had to have your painting inspected?! Historic district? Take care of yourself and email my sister about a) huge utility bill shockers and b) stupid 18-year-olds who hit your car in August.
I realise it does you no good whatsoever, but I send you loads of sympathy. That all sounds so awful. But the house looks fabulous! And now it's done, right? And the infections will clear up and the kid's insurance will fix your car, yes? All will be well.
Ouch. Good thing August is almost over.
I feel your pain! Both for the electric bill (ours doubled last month too) and the Bactrum (because I have been there). My sympathy could fill a boat.
Here's wishing you a September that offers a significant improvement over August. You certainly deserve it.
And don't forget you live in a college town where the undergraduates are only a hair away from being seniors in high school and someone whom mommy bailed out of everything...
Oma Annie
Good night!! What a time you are having - I hope now that we are into september that things have evened out, at least a little bit. Hang in there!!
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