....tons and tons and tons of knitting was done this weekend, that is!
and not being at home for all of Saturday and half of Sunday)
I'm actually a bit amazed myself at how much was finished! And I'm a s-l-o-w knitter compared to many (being the 'grabber' type knitter instead of the continental or other styles of knitters makes me considerably slower than most, I've always thought) - - yet despite my turtle-like tendencies with the needles here is what I managed to work on this weekend:

I finished my Green Tea Raglan and blocked it and seamed it all together. All is left is to finish weaving all of those hellish ends. I have also tried it on & happily enough it fits (!) altho' I do have to say in the sake of modesty I will buy a cami to wear underneath it before I actually sport it outside of the house.

I also did a ton of knitting on the Backyard Leaves Scarf using

I interspersed the scarf knitting with some Icarus knitting - -

The bugger part of the Icarus story is that I also ordered an Addi bamboo size 3 (24") needle to knit it on, but decided to go w/ the size 3 Addi (16" - one of the circs that I use for socks) that I had to get started. You know - starteritis - I totally couldn't wait until the longer needle arrived in the mail......until yesterday when it actually did arrive and I slapped my forehead in disgust. I already HAVE a size 3 Addi (24") needle (turns out those sock needles that I bought were in fact ALL 24" long!) - in fact, that was exactly what I had been knitting the sucker on in the first place!!! So now I have three Addi naturas size 3 in 24 inches. I just didn't bother to check & measure (or heck, even READ the packaging!) before my silly self went crazy online ordering with reckless abandon. So now what do I do? Do I try and send it back? Do I even think that 24" is remotely long enough for such a huge shawl in the first place - so do I try and send it back and ask them to send a 36" long needle instead? Do I offer it in a swap to a friend? Do I burn it, offering it up to the gods in an attempt to prevent future Online-Knitting-Supply-Ordering Stupidity???
This morning I also started organizing my current batch of projects. Below what you see is nothing other than my patented "circular needle method" - which for me means that anything remotely small that I knit on a circular needle I stuff in one of these $1 Target bags that I bought over the summer and keep labeled (and therefore organized, as in my world this counts as organized!) with little ring tabs. While I haven't yet started Seraphim, what I currently have in that particular bag is a freshly-wound yarn cake of the Handpaintedyarn skein (didn't like the skein too much, but love love love the yarn cake!) and a pair of Knit Picks Options, size 5.
Pointy little suckers, those.

The scarf is gorgeous. I considered making one, but I got intimidated by the charts and the grafting and everything. I also have the pattern and yarn for Icarus, but it keeps getting put to the wayside.
I'm VERY impressed with your weekend knitting!! I haven't been knitting nearly enough lately because I've been reading my book club book like a mad woman in order to finish it by tomorrow. I'm only just about to start the first repeat of Chart 1... Someone suggested I do an extra repeat before starting the lace part and I think I'm going to do just that; the pattern says that each repeat of rows 19-42 will make the shawl 8" wider across the top and 2.5" longer. It does look pretty small in the Interweave picture so I made sure to buy an extra skein of KnitPicks Alpaca Cloud (in a nice light yellow called "Sunlight Heather"). So far I'm very happy with it. By the way, I have the same concerns about the 24" circs!!
Wow, that certainly is a lot of knitting! Those bags look great -- I'll have to keep my eye out for them at Target.
That is a lot of knitting! Waaaaay more than I did this weekend.
It tickles me that lots of people hunted for Easter eggs in long underwear - or snow even.
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