Monday, December 10, 2007

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas.....

.........over here at Chez Sticks. Decorations are slowly but surely starting to go up.....................

Our lovely mantle. Stockings to show up soon. Not handknit, however, but handmade nonetheless.

The annual lighting of the stairs.

Some quiet time is being found here & there for stress-relieving spinning.

'Mars' colourway - superwash merino & tencel blend. Spun as thin as humanly possible - by this human, that is - as I'm going to try and navajo-ply this for socks. Purchased as retail therapy after a bad day at work from a very nice woman via Etsy.

And even better (for stress relief, that is) - finished handknit gifts are starting to pile up...

Fingerless gloves for T - the wonderful woman who serves me a robust mug of life-giving coffee every morning. (Do these look strangely avian to you too?)

'Driving' gloves for A (a One Skein pattern), who also works at the coffee shop and who is wonderfully cheerful to me every morning when I'm still trying to figure out how to properly open both eyelids at the same time, before I drink my morning cup of eye-opening joe....

Virtually 90% of all Christmas shopping has been done (I'm a firm believer in easy shopping & purchasing streamlined gifts as a general rule - so don't hate me for this - - join me!!!!), and only one handknit item remains to be knitted. Even better, it's a weeny & fast handknit item, and is intended for someone who has been extremely gracious about receiving late gifts in the past - so if it doesn't appear under the Christmas tree this year she not only will not be upset, she probably won't even be surprised.


Sandy said...

I, too, am almost through with my Christmas shopping. Just a few odds and ends left to buy and a bit more knitting to do and I'm done!

I'm giving out three handknits this year and everything else is store-bought.

Mathgirl said...

I really need to stop reading blogs. It's just making me depressed about how much Christmas stuff I have not done :( It's just hard to get in the mood this year because my house it pretty much devoid of any Christmas because we're going to Cuba over the holiday. Congrats for you though :)

mel said...

Your spinning is progressing so nicely - it's very much fun to watch :) I'm a big fan of the simple christmas, and with work still yet to be done on the house before guests arrive and one very poopy doggie, I think it may be a VERY simple christmas, indeed ;)

Sandy said...

Me again. Just had to say that I'm DONE knitting my Christmas presents!! All three are ready to be wrapped. I'm SO excited and relieved. :)