Monday, January 14, 2008


Extra drive band? Check.

Orifice hook? Check.

Jumbo plying flyer & bobbin? Check

Majacraft Rose? Check.

Shipping from NC by the end of the week - "hopefully" - she said over the phone with a noticeable twang in her voice. Shipping from NC to MD should only take 2-3 days, once it is in UPS hands.......

And so the countdown begins!


nova said...

Does your Rose have a name? I am always interested in hearing/reading about the names of peoples' wheels... one week, not so bad, you have plenty of other things to do, right?

mel said...

Woo-hooo!! Congratulations Susan, you will LOVE it :) I highly recommend the jumbo plying kit too, very nice for bulky fiber or plying larger amounts!! Please post pics and a full report when you can!

HEROs in China said...

Congratulations! It looks gorgeous. I hope you'll let your Old Ma give it a test spin!

jessie said...

Congratulations on your Rose! I have one and love it.

Just one question: Why the orifice hook for a delta orifice? (Or am I missing something?)

I LOVE my recently purchased jumbo plying kit. Enjoy it!!!