First off, many many thanks to everyone who wrote and wished the Munchkin a speedy recovery. Thanks to modern medicine (lord, but whoever figured out that cough syrup with codeine would make a child SLEEP through the night and not wake up coughing every 5 minutes truly deserves sainthood!) the Little One recovered almost immediately. In fact the syrup + steroid combo that the doctor prescribed so wired him up that we almost (*almost!*) wished that he was just the wee-est bit sicker than he was - at least enough to keep him sitting on the couch nice and quiet instead of running around, sliding into the doorways, climbing up the couches, and dancing around the living room like a maniac.
In decent weather this wouldn't have been that bad - bundle the little guy up and take him outside and just let him RUN - you know? But it was snowing, damp, and just miserably ucky out there - not weather that we were willing to expose him to with dicey lungs. So brave it all out indoors we did.
Luckily for me, a little diversion showed up first thing Monday morning.

Spun the whole 4 ounces in one day, which for me is quite fast!

(all that excess twist!) I just couldn't help but put it in regardless,
as I love the colours and the squiggles so much.
I came out with approximately 150 yards of singles - my goal was to make something along the lines of an obviously-handspun, thick/thin, lose-twist Manos or Malabrigo-type yarn that I will then knit into a My So Called Scarf for myself. I don't think I quite managed it - I need about twice the yardage I've currently got to knit a pattern-sized scarf, but still - I can cast on for a slightly more narrow scarf that will still be - I think - quite lovely. I can hardly wait to see how these colours knit up!
And if it seems to small, I can always check to see if Gryphon has got a second braid in this colourway available................. :)

Dude, you've gone from no wheels to several in a short amount of time. Can't wait to see all the handspun goodness you crank out! Again . . . it's all you, have at it.
I think the singles look funky :) So glad to hear you got the wheel and no longer have to keep expecting it.
Yay! The waiting is over! Three cheers for codeine and fleeciness!
Congratulation! I have a Rose and I love it, although I don't recall it being signed anywhere. Maybe I have a fake!!
Happy spinning. It's soooo addictive.
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