Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Pictures UP!

Figured out how to insert pics (in Flickr sets) of both WIPs (that's 'works in progress') and FOs ('finished objects') for anyone who would care to look. Not a compete batch of pics by any means, but at least a start!

Now I just need to figure out how to get folks to actually READ this blog! I created a blog for work - for my, uh, co-workers (as such) to read to get frequent updates on what was going on in my department - something they said they wanted - and you know, not a single person ever read it, that I could tell. Not a one.

So I - of course - have the same fear here. That I'll be writing and posting & uploading to a big ol' empty cyber-space. Maybe if I [snicker, snicker] put in all of the *important* names like Yarn Harlot (my personal knitting guru & idol), Mama-E (who I just bought a skein of sock yarn from! I'm a-checkin' my mailbox every day for that sucker, you can be sure of that!), Sundara (love love love the 2 skeins of 'Cedars' sock yarn that I bought from her - now if I could just read a pattern right I might have a WIP to show for it! -more on that later-), and 144 Inches of I-Cord (aka Meangirl Jen who I left a comment for yesterday and who actually wrote about my comment in today's post!!!!) then maybe just maybe that'll get the search engines pointing this a'way...............


Anonymous said...

I'll read! But blog because you like it (or you are keeping a personal record for yourself or you just like writing or it's a creative outlet etc etc)! That is what will keep you posting when you feel like no one is out there. That and deciding that you need a new digital camera so that your blog can be even prettier. And really needing to buy more yarn so that you can take pictures of it with your new camera to post on your blog. You see where I am going with this. =)

Anonymous said...

So neat to keep up with your work!