Number of nonstop hours I get to work today - 14.
Number of doughnuts I've eaten to get my backside in gear for an 8 AM class - 2.
How many minutes I was late arriving for said 8 AM class - 3.
How many times I've regretted eating both doughnuts (so far today) - 64.
Number of laps I swam yesterday to burn off past & future doughnuts - 26.
Episodes of Sex & The City I watched last night - 3.
Number of times I thought that 'Steve' from S&TC was really the best character on the show - 8.
Total cups of coffee (so far!!!) - 1 2.
Number of times I've thought an unkind thought about my co-worker - 7 22. ;>
English 101 classes left to teach today - 1.
Hour of the morning when Munchkin woke up - 6.
Number of books I read to Munchkin between waking up & leaving for work - 5.
Number of stitches left on needle for R's clapotis - 67 44.

(lovey picture courtesy of Keith Haring's estate)
Update - 3:45 PM. Make that -

1 comment:
I'm absolutely giddy with excitement!
Here's my number for today:
# of pieces of Halloween candy collected in 2 hours by my 7 children: approx. 450.
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