I worked on Icarus Friday afternoon - but then real life intruded on my fantasy knitting world:
** Friday night was our 5th anniversary dinner night (anniversary was actually Thursday, but as [free] babysitting was available Friday, who were we to squabble?)
** Saturday & Sunday were totally (and I mean TOTALLY) dedicated to installing a mildly complex bit of L-shaped built-in bookshelves with in in-laws at the house for babysitting/toddler diverting and expert consultant purposes. To say that this weekend was as stressful as I've ever seen is putting it mildly - between absolutely stunning toddler temper tantrums, sibling spats, parental tension, a burned-out air compressor [BUGGER on that one - only 1/3 into installing the final trim pieces with the attached nail gun and we would have been completely finished!!!], and some pretty serious stress coming at Peggers from work via 4-5 phone calls every day over both days - not only was there no real knitting (well, I got in several rounds of a sock while we were at the baseball game Saturday night) but there was general exhaustion and mental fatigue everywhere you looked. So it's probably good that I didn't touch Icarus, as I would have just messed it up and had to have frogged back way to much to even think about!
However the bookshelf is done - missing trim on 3 of the 5 shelves, but still, it's done and books and bookends are in place. Pictures to come soon. Probably far too many pictures of it to come soon. ;) It looks - if I can say for our modest carpentry skills - absolutely fantastic. It is also, in a house filled with one philosophy major & one librarian and one budding 2-year old bibliophile - extremely needed.
And knitting on Icarus with Kim is on tap for this afternoon. So Sandy?
And even better, Jessie said that she sent my Sockpal yarn on Thursday (sigh - a good omen, as that was my anniversary!) so it should hopefully be here.........this afternoon or tomorrow. Which means that I'll have to have a serious conversation with myself over swatching w/ the yarn versus working on Icarus!
I have a feeling that I'm going to lose that argument.
Nope, you’re still ahead of me! I’m only on the second row of Chart 4, and that’s after working on it a little today. I stopped Icarus on Wednesday and didn’t pick it up again until last night because I’d been so busy working on the other project (which by the way, I finished, weaved in the ends, and wrapped on Saturday’s car ride--never thought I’d be happy to hit traffic!) and fighting off a nasty sinus thing that’s making me miserable and exhausted. I’ve been quite grouchy at work Friday, Sunday, and today.... Bad librarian....
Anyway, good luck to both of us! :)
Happy anniversary! Hope your yarn arrives in good time, perhaps it will warm you up to pink ;)
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