This past Wednesday daycare was closed, so the Munch and I were home all day. We first did breakfast at (where else?) Panera Bread Company & then headed over to the Verizon store to replace my busted cell phone. After that we had a fantastic time in Target & picked up some very necessary things like drinking glasses.......................
(This is the 'before' shot - I forgot to take a picture of the 'after' shot, but just imagine a full dozen more drinking glasses - 6 large, 6 small - added in here!)
........and some not so necessary items:
I have to rather shamedly admit that I'd never before really heard of the 'Dragonology' chronicles before - but grabbed this quite quickly irregardless. I'm a total sucker for anything related to dragons, as is Peggers. A few yawning chapters into the book last night proved that it is so far quite entertaining. The puzzle/wooden construction set was just too cool to pass up and at something like $4 was a seriously cheap form of entertainment with a really cool end-product to boot.

Here it is, proudly displayed on my new bookshelf. I'm thinking of staining the entire thing a nice deep mahogany sort of colour. We spoke about painting it with a very sheer wash of colours like the package showed, but I'm thinking that the anatomy of the skeletal structure will be better emphasized by a single shade.
Speaking of which - here are a few New Bookshelf shots for everyone to peek at...

Speaking of which - here are a few New Bookshelf shots for everyone to peek at...

And just for comparison's sake here is a VERY old shot of that same corner about 2 years ago before I painted over the awful deep-green fake wood paneling that was there when we moved in, and before we took the french doors off of the doorway (they're LOVELY, I know, but they really block off very necessary corners of the room!) The space we have gotten back in that back corner area is just too lovely for words. I meant to haul several boxes of books out of the attic yesterday and bring them down to the bookshelf for unloading, but alas, didn't have the time. Never fear, though, the empty shelves left on the bookshelf will get filled up all too quickly, I'm sure! We're hoping to borrow an air compressor sometime in the month of June to finish the trim work on the new bookshelves, after which I shall finish painting the edges of the bracket trim and then the entire bookshelf will be Officially Finished.
Hey - can anyone guess what this is?
Very nice! I desperately need new bookshelves. I also happen to desperately need a place to put said bookshelves. I happen to be a pack rat who can't bear to throw anything away so the bedroom is more of closet than anything else :) And cheerios makes children's books? Who knew...
Is that Icarus' own personal satchel?
Congrats!!! :)
You should definitely invest in those interlocking foam floor mats for blocking big projects. I got mine on Amazon and LOVE them! I aired them out for a few days before I used them and covered them with a sheet. Jess (who gave me the idea) and I each used 8 of the 2' x 2' mats to block our shawls... She bought hers at Sam's Club and I'm sure Home Depot or Lowes has them. HTH! Can't wait to see your FO!
Those bookshelves are seriously cool.
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