It would actually be more accurate to say "cold and sleeting weather, go go go go go away!"
A week and a half ago it was so warm that we turned the heat off, opened the house up, and stayed that way for a full 24 hours. Since then we've had snow, rain, sleet, and temps in the 50s and teens. My little corner of the state is so temperamental!
As I really don't have any knitting progress to show you (I got all the way down the leg, turned the heel, and was decreasing for the gusset with my May Sock Swap sock, when I decided that I didn't like a design feature I had done waaaaaayyyy up towards the top and so ripped it out All The Way Back to the cuff. Gah!) Hopefully progress - and pictures - to come in a few days. As I was cold and chilled and tired of feeling that way, I bundled up in all the hand-knits I had in my office, trekked across the frozen campus, and went into the warmest place I could think of with my camera in tow.
Ta-Da! Presenting Kim's Greenhouse!
Kim and her co-workers have a billion things tucked inside the campus greenhouse - seedlings, largeish trees, tender tropicals that are weathering the cold in pots during the winter - you name it. For someone with a deep and abiding love of Things That Grow, a visit to the greenhouse is always a very very good time.
Of course, every visit to the greenhouse makes me start thinking about how I could build my own greenhouse off the side of the house or the back of the garage. Hmph. Maybe a greenhouse off the back of the house & a fiber room off the back of the garage..........
I'm home today with the Munchkin while our daycare provider takes a personal day - Munch is currently on the couch watching Elmo's World, a chicken is simmering on the stove waiting to be turned into soup, half a loaf of some raisin and currant-studded Irish Soda Bread is thawing on the counter from its original baking last month, and Peggers is on his way home early from work - probably sick with the flu. So it looks like I'll have a second man soon sprawled out on the couch - but I seriously doubt this one will be as thrilled with Elmo as the younger one is!
At least the soup will find a welcome home when it hits the dining room table later tonight.
(Edit: I just glanced over at the Munch. In the time it took me to type & upload the above, things have changed. He's not hanging on the couch watching Elmo, he's asleep on the couch not watching Elmo. Even better! N-A-P T-I-M-E!!!!!
Which means more knitting time for me! [Cackles evilly as she scurries off to snatch up her needles & knitting notes & burrow down with coffee and Harry Potter book on CD...]
2nd Edit: 2/3 of a lace repeat, and a pot of chicken vegetable soup later.....

1 comment:
Stupid f-ing weather! I blame that damn groundhog, but see how far that will get you in my state. We even have idiotic commercials for the state lottery featuring "Gus, Pennsylvania's second most famous groundhog" who now has a hideous girlfriend! I cannot make this shit up.
Nice that your Munch got in some sleep . . . mine helped shovel. When asked, "Mom, what will you do when we graduate and can't help you shovel? Buy a snowblower?" my response was, "No, probably adopt two 14-year-olds and start over." Because, you see - and this is rich I tell you - the Flyer doesn't think we need a snowblower because he is always in some warm locale when it snows.
The hand knits look very nice, by the way. I thought I would end my rant - in your comments, in case you haven't noticed - by saying that I had a particularly hard time locating the red Fetchings and was glad that you pointed them out.
Affectionately yours and freezing her ass off,
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