Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I should be doing a million other things

  • like laundry (washing the Munch's wet training pants - the potty training is *not* going very well - he's far too stubborn to be bribed to sit on the potty with mere jellybeans as his reward!)
  • like dishes
  • like straightening all the clutter in the living room
  • like washing my factory-closeout tweed in prep for the twisted yolk henley that I want to cast on for asap
  • like knitting (!) on all my UFOs
  • like putting away clean (gasp!) laundry
  • like dusting
  • - like a million other things that I could easily find to do if I only looked around

................but instead, all I can do is look at pictures like THIS.

Oh Em! She's just so beautiful, she actually makes me cry*!

*just that little tiny bit. out of sheer happiness.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, when I saw that one I got all weepy too! I am so proud of how good Michael's eye has come - I will never regret buying that camera. Of course, the subject is one of my favorites.

She's in her crib, just hanging out. I keep going in to check on her, but she isn't ready to get up yet. Nice change from the other day when all she did was holler.

Anonymous said...

This is EXACTLY how I feel ...every day.