Whatever viral nastiness is going around, it has decided to temporarily house itself in my throat, and I've essentially lost my voice. This has proven interesting, as I've had to sit desk (i.e. work at the reference desk in the library, providing research assistance to any student or faculty member who needs help) for upwards of 8 hours so far this week. Since this has struck, by the end of each night, my husband has had some relief from my typical barrage of information, queries, and anecdotes that typically fly his way over dinner and after the Munch's bedtime!
I took some Messy Tuesday pictures but was a bit slack in getting them uploaded. So - in typical messy fashion, here they are on Friday! And I have to admit, I was a bit wary of posting these as-is, so what I've chosen to do is post my Messy Tuesday shots, but with a few in 'before' and 'after' format - both so that people can see that I actually can and do clean up my (sometimes) filthy house and also so that when I feel horrible and guilty and troubled over the slovenly state of my abode, I can take a look at these pictures and realize that things can and do improve with a little elbow grease and a whole lot of tidying and recycling.

Wish me luck!
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