Remember what I said yesterday? About today's work schedule, and that lovely lovely lovely opportunity to sit with my feet up for an indecently too-long amount of time (with far too much coffee) and do nothing but knit? Well, I certainly did it - watched two movies ('Hawaii, Oslo' and 'Amelie') and then in desperation because the clapotis still wasn't looking long enough moved to some episodes of Smallville (I knew I hadn't seen them before & I wanted to watch something - anything! new). So I rolled into work happily late in the afternoon all prepped and ready to hit the ground running and start working.........only to be told that today is the first day of the non-summer-school schedule and lo and behold but we close today at 4 PM. And I strolled in around 3:35. So basically I came in to work less than 30 minutes.
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..................... It wouldn't be so bad but what it essentially means is that I just took a vacation day and didn't mean to!
At least on the knitting front I got some stuff done. Last night I made some happy progress on my silky wool socks - I had tried a 'simple lace rib' from the Wendy Knits! blog but the pattern just didn't work with the yarn I was using, so I ripped back and tried an Amelia Raitte pattern - 'Giotto' with quite pleasing results. The first 4 rounds absolutely killed me as I was doing them on two addis and you need to so some serious ssk and T3 knitting - and the Addis just were NOT pointy enough. So after 4 rounds of frustration I switched to 5 dpns (bamboo) and have been having not a single struggle ever since. I'm just a few repeats into the pattern, but already it's really flowing nicely and I can see what to do next and can easily figure out what row I'm on, etc. - so they make me very happy. And I hope my friend will like them - I think the pattern is just perfect considering that the yarn is a bit thickish and she's in Thailand - so the nice lace and ladders will hopefully help to lighten them a bit. I'd show you how nice they're coming, but I took a picture of them with work's camera (all I had on hand) and the camera cable is no longer communicating to my computer. So no luck until later. Bah.So on to other updates - new pictures of beautiful yarn! A good friend saw my Silk Garden Clapotis & asked me if I'd knit her one - so she browsed around and ordered some Interlacements rayon in an incredible colourway called "Woodland" and it came just the other day. I shoved it on my swift this afternoon (swift & ball winder were lovely & amazing birthday presents via Mamacita!) and wound off a ball & now (of course) want to get started ASAP! I'm going to try starting this out on size 5 needles - the last two were done on size 7s - but Woodland is a bit thinner than the other yarn(s) I used and I'd like the drape to be a bit more cohesive, if that makes any sense. I can seriously hardly wait to get started and see how this works up.
I might actually start on the Woodland Clapotis tonight rather than work on / finish KK's clapotis only because the working ball on that knitting project has a nasty ol' tangle in it (I took a pic of the horrid mess, but again, stuck on the camera) and I just can't bring myself to stare at it any longer. So I'll probably be a Very Bad Knitter and give in to my starter-itis and cast on for R's clapotis tonight. Good for me, Good for R, but bad for KK! Ah, but that's okay - her clapotis is a total suprise, so what's one more week - give or take - when you don't even know you've been made to wait an extra week?
Sock yarn pictures tomorrow. I forgot I had 2 skeins of Altacama that I want to make into Nancy Bush's 'Friday Harbour' socks................................
1 comment:
Your yarn will be on its way soon! KK will just have to wait! LOL!
Found this
and laughed and thought of you as I never even heard of Clapotis before and now I can't wait!!
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